Evaluation and Grading


Your grade in the course will be based on:  

Class Participation 40%

Problems 40%

Quizzes: Medicine for Lawyers 20%

Extra Credit: Videos and Reflection Papers max  4 pts.


 Class Participation

 Class Participation includes: bulletbeing prepared to effectively contribute, bulletactively participating in class and group discussion. bulletkeeping abreast of news related to Health Care Malpractice and sharing relevant news information with the class (including posting copies of interesting items for the Bulletin Board).

This is a cooperative participatory learning class. That means that your absence effects the learning of others. Consequently, missing classes significantly affects your grade. 

In general, missing more than 2 classes will significantly effect your class participation grade. Missing more than 15% of the classes (3) will cause your overall grade to be reduce by at least a half grade. For instance, from a B to a B-.  However, class participation means more than showing up for class. Class participation includes actively participating in class including being adequately prepared. Your grade for class participation will be based on attendance and your good faith participation in the group process. 

           Attendance is required.  Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class hour.  Students who are not seated and prepared to begin class when attendance is taken will be counted as tardy. A tardy counts as an absence.  

          "Excused absence" shall mean documented illness of self, documented illness of child, school-sponsored participation in competitions, or a family emergency. "Family Emergency" is limited to death or catastrophic occurrence affecting the student's immediate family or closely-extended family.  Flat tires and similar automotive failures, computer problems, speeding tickets, work, interviews, court dates, etc. are per se unexcused absences.   

      Class Participation requires presence  during the entire class period.  Students should not leave the classroom once class has begun except in emergencies.

        Class Participation  requires attention.  Students should refrain from engaging in activities that are disruptive to the class.  Professional conduct requires that students refrain from eating, talking or laughing while others are speaking, passing notes, playing games, reading newspapers, or in any other manner disrupting the educational process by being present but rude or inattentive.  Turn off all cell phones, pagers, beepers, alarms, or other gadgets before class. Students acting in an unprofessional manner will be asked to leave the classroom and will be counted absent for that class.    You may use your laptop during class BUT NOT during small group activities.

      Class Participation requires preparation.  Occasional inability to complete the assignments is understandable. Missing more than 3 problems will affect your problem grade. If you are not prepared for class by having your problem completed before class, your class participation grade will be considered unprepared.

     Daily class participation grade will be as follows: 


Holistic Rubric for Scoring  Class Participation

Student is prepared, contributes readily to the conversation but doesn't dominate it; makes thoughtful contributions that advance the conversation; shows interest in and respect for other views; participates actively in small groups ++

95   Student is prepared and makes thoughtful comments when called on; contributes occasionally without prompting; shows interest in and respect for others views; participates actively in small groups; while the students contributions are less well developed, they nevertheless advance the conversation.

+ 85 Student is prepared, but does not voluntarily contribute to discussions and gives only minimal answers when called on; nevertheless student show interest in the discussion, listens attentively and participates actively in small groups.

U 75   Student is prepared but participates in a problematic way; students may talk too much, make rambling poor tangential contributions, continually interrupt with digressive questions,  -

65   Student attended class but was not prepared,  bluff their way when unprepared or otherwise dominate discussion, not acknowledging cues of annoyance from professor or students nc

55   Student did not attend class or if student attended is disruptive or hostile, overtly rude. 0 0




 During most classes we will work on problems, in fact the primary focus of the class will be on problems.    You should work out an individual answer to the assigned problems and be prepared to fully participate in the class.  All problems should be formatted and answer as if you were providing an answer to your immediate supervisor. That is, unless otherwise noted by the problem or by Professor Randall, your answer should constructed as a memo to senior partner and should be appropriately footnoted  

       Formatting Convention: Problem answers should be typed, single spaced, 1 inch margins,   12 pt. Times Roman. Length should be appropriate to answer the problem; as a guidance that generally mean between 750 to 1500 words.

       YOU SHOULD DROP THE PROBLEM BEFORE CLASS IN THE TWEN DROP BOX AND YOU SHOULD BRING TWO COPIES of YOUR PROBLEM ANSWER to CLASS. One copy will be turned in during class. The other copy is for your use during class.  At the top of the page in the right hand-corner place your name on the first line and on the second line place the problem number and name. Problem answers  will be collected during class. No problems answer will be accepted late (That is after class).

      For each problem you should prepare your own answers BEFORE CLASS. Those answers should be turned in at every class .  Your problem answer should reflect a good faith attempt to answer the question.  

        No credit will be given  if you are not in class. 

         Problems will be evaluated using the following: 


Problem Grading Rubric.

++ 95 Outstanding response with superior supporting examples or evidence, unusual insights, creative and original analysis, reasoning, and explanation. superior mastery of content. goes well beyond the minimum required for the assignment. all information is factually correct, Position is clearly stated and consistently maintained. References to most of the issue(s) are clearly stated. Clearly states appropriate law which supports the position; Structure of work is clearly developed. Tone is consistent and enhances persuasiveness.  excellent conclusion/integration; excellent citations.

+ 85 Good solid response that uses excellent supporting examples, excellent reasoning and explanations. goes beyond the minimum required by the assignment. Most information is factually correct, good discussion of detail, Position is clearly stated and consistently maintained. Clear references to most of the issue(s) are stated. Clearly states appropriate law which supports the position; Structure of work is clearly developed . Tone is consistent and enhances persuasiveness good conclusion/integration  U

75  good solid response that meets minimum required by the assignment, reasoning and explanations are adequate, Most information is factually correct, adequate discussion of detail,  Position is clearly stated and consistently maintained. References to the some of the issue (s)  are stated but some key issue (s) are missing. Clearly states appropriate law in some instance, but also mistates the law in other instances; Structure developed reasonably well, but lacks clarity; Tone enhances persuasiveness, but there are inconsistencies., adequate conclusion/ integration  -

65 Response is accurate but cursory, and does not meet the minimum requred for completeness, some inaccuracies or reasoning flaws, response is too general, lacks specific evidence. Position is stated, but is not maintained consistently throughout work.  A few of the key issues are stated but many are missing.  Mostly mistates the law applicable to the problem; Some attempt to structure the argument has been made, but the structure is poorly developed. Tones does not contribute to persuasiveness. nc

55 Response doesn't effectively address the question, response fails to support assertions with examples, major flaws in reasoning, explanations are unclear, displays inadequate understanding of content/ Statement of position cannot be determined.  Most of the key issues are missing. There is a total lack of structure; Tone is inappropriate to purpose.  0

0 No Problem Complete  




There will be quizzes on Medicine for Lawyers.  The quizzes will be taken from textbook readings. Quizzes will cover text material only from the assigned week. It is closed book.
Introduction to Medicine for Lawyers
The Cardio-vascular System
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
The Uro-genital/Endocrine System
The Nervous System
The Musculo-skeletal System



 Extra Credit - Film Review

You will receive up to 4 pts for viewing and critiquing the following films.  Write a 500 - 750 word typed reflection paper. What do you think about the series?  What do you think of the lawyering? What is the most important thing that you learn from the film and why? Consider the legal and ethical responsibilities of a lawyer.

bulletCritical Condition: How Good is Your Health Care Jan 27 bulletSuccessful Advocacy - Jury Selection Feb 10 bulletSuccessful Advocacy - Opening Statement Feb 19 bulletThe Expert Medical Deposition: How to be an Effective and Ethical Witness Feb 26 bulletSuccessful Advocacy - Direct Examination Feb 26 bulletSuccessful Advocacy - Cross Examination Mar 09 bulletSuccessful Advocacy - Adversing the Defendant Apr 06 bulletSuccessful Advocacy - Summation Apr 15

Tejo v. Bloshinsky: A Doctor's Fault or a Woman's Fate bulletThis reflection should be between 1200 words to 1500 words and should be critiqued in light of what you learned from the Successful Advocacy Series TBA