Critique of US Representation

As indicated in the US Report on CERD, the Federal Government has made attempts to ensure equal access to health care through a number of statutes which were enacted to fight racial discrimination. However, the report fails to admit that the effort of the United States in ensuring equal access to quality health care has not only been ineffective and inefficent, but also has perpeuated racial discrimination.

. . . the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has faced several deficiencies, including shortage of resources and funding, which have hampered its ability to enforce civil rights laws and ensure nondiscrimination in the health care context. The result is the perpetuation of severe disparities in health status and access to health care services between minorities and nonminorities and women and men"


Although Congress has enacted civil rights laws designed to address specific rights, such as equal opportunity in employment, education, and housing, it has not given health care the same status. As a consequence, discrimination in health care is uncorrected.