Return to Classroom

Perhaps the most glaring omission from the temporary removal standard is a set deadline for when a student must be allowed to return. Unlike SB 100 which sets standards for suspensions three days or less and three days or longer, HB 2663 simply states that the child should be "placed back in the group setting as quickly as possible." DHS and DOE stressed in their joint statement that exclusionary discipline of any kind often contributes to setting young children's educational trajectories in a negative direction. It is crucial that schools and programs establish common-sense guidelines for temporary removals and only use them in the most extreme of circumstances.

While this law presents challenges for implementation and questions about definitions and policies, it is an important step in addressing research suggesting the harmful impacts of school discipline for young children. Accordingly, school districts and early childhood programs should endeavor to craft policies and procedures that not only comply with the new law, but also uphold its spirit.